Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A prickly sunflower

As it turns out the artichoke is not only related to the thistle - a gorgeous plant by the way - but it is also related to the sunflower. And when you hear that you say oh of course because there are so many similarities.

This is a drying artichoke. when i was in college my graduation project was doing drawings of thistles. these artichokes take me back to that.


Anne-Marie said...

contrary to an onion, when you peel the layers off an artichoke, you are left with a beautiful centre.
I leave you to extrapolate all sort of symbolic meanings..

Neil Plotkin said...

you end up with choke; )

to your point, i haven't been able to coax any of them to bloom. which would be really wonderful but i guess they pick them too early