Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jirka's soft shot

When I lived in Prague, I used to shoot pool with these Czech guys. Jirka Vrbicky is a pretty in your face kind of person - never shies away from anything - especially women - but when we would shoot pool all of his shots would be incredibly soft. It has always been a lesson to me. Pull back some of the time.

This is my first larger image in a while - it's 40" x 60" (roughly a meter by a meter and a half)


Anne-Marie said...

thanks for giving the metric equivalent!

Anne-Marie said...

I long to see brighter colours, maybe the blue reflection is the shape of things to come!

Neil Plotkin said...

The artichoke has been drying up over the weeks and getting visually more interesting shape wise and more muted in color. I actually like it more but I understand. About the blue, I hope that you mean blue skies rather than feeling blue ;-)