Saturday, February 6, 2010

Zeuxis Group show

I've been following a blog ( and read a review of the Zeuxis Group show which is based on a towel. Each artist in the group was given a towel and they needed to create a still life painting with it. This sort of exercise really appeals to me on so many levels. It seems to be a show about a towel but when all the artists incorporate the same object into their paintings, it becomes a show about the artists. The painting becomes a formal study of composition or color or paint or handling of the physical materials or about juxtaposition to other objects. It is what is very interesting to me about the history of painting. People will address the same issue but come up with very different solutions or they take a previous painter's idea and reinterpret the idea to suit their needs. I love that there is a dialog between the works and to artists of the past as well. I thought that I would do my own still life with the same type of towel to "participate" in the show as well.

On the posting, there is a link to Imogen Sara Smith's wonderful essay for the catalog of the show which discusses still life painting.

1 comment:

ti-igra said...

Hi, Neil! :-)
I also very like still lifes that bear some meaning. Do not just communicate the reality of things, but sometimes things are somewhat different than it is now.
Spirit of Towel...
Excellent work, Neil! :-)
It looks like a man lying face down. Very philosophical work!