Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crab Apples - another view

This is a similar painting to the one i had posted previously.


ti-igra said...

Neil, you create wonderful works!
I am pleased to be expected of your new paintings :)

Neil Plotkin said...

Though I speak some Czech and can understand a little Russian, I can't read it. I tried to post on your blog the following:

Thank you for your comments on my blog. I really like your open and loose approach to your work. it looks great.

ti-igra said...

Neil, Thank you for your comment!
So nice! I write in Ukrainian, I live in Ukraine. We talk in Russian, and Ukrainian. Google Translator helps me with my bad English:))) You can use it too, enter the address of the page.
I Reviewed all your pictures on the blog and website. That day was my discovery of the wonderful creativity! Thank you!
It is your own, not like the others.
This does not leave you indifferent, exciting!